A new project – so new that I am flapping like a fish on land for air. Got to ramp up at a feverish pace I say!
On a personal note, quite a few people I’ve known giving me the brush-off. Intentional or non-intentional, it hurts.....it hurts like hell. Let me see how long I can forgive them. But once my endurance is up, it’s the distance factor. Sigh...... I hate re-runs especially in (my) real-life rather than reel-life.
I am suffering from one serious ailment – a dented pride! Either I am too full of it....or I am getting too soft! Either ways, it’s bad for my health and I have to find some quick means of recovery.
The silver lining in the cloud - I really do not have time to indulge in self-pity :-)!
Yes u have that serious ailment.Good that you have realised it by yourself.
May God bless you..
wow!. new project cool!..hope you like it!.. how about project-mates?.. same people?..! You can make a quick-fic to things one you know what is lacking..!
Thanks..!! Didn't you know - self-realisation is the best realisation!
All seniors :-(!
cho sad :(.. or happy?
when the going gets tough,
the tough gets going...
Da which side?
Best of luck, dear . May you achieve all the milestones in time.
Difficult to say at this point of time.
Yuppu! Sooper commentu!
Thanku thanku! I need this componant - luck :-)!
If all are senior to you then under present scenario its sure they will make you work like hell.
Don't work... and you can realise a change.
Er... is it?
Ya Chitra
Now that you are the only worker in team u will be crucial.
Ask for onsite,sal hike and see the change.
More responsibilities and challenges will make you new Chitra.
Do u have it in you.
Hmmmm....had not thought on these lines....
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