Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink has been an eye-opener in this regard.
The impressions with the aid of which we form relatiohships….sometimes, instantaneously and effortlessly without any visible force ….and sometimes just building up gradually. I wondered about the friends on whom I could rely on and realized there were very few whom I am proud to declare as my thick pals. Why?
I hit on a couple things simultaneously when I pondered about this:
I was less choosy during my youth (oh God.... I am speaking as if it’s a long time ago!). My parameters for friendship were very simple. Someone I could talk with.....and someone who could listen to my non-stop chatter :)!
With passing years......and mounting experience, I added communication, chemistry, comfort and security to the list. And have stuck to it......
My pals have neither the time nor the familiarity to know my for a very long time. Yet, they like me the way I am – sometimes serious, sometimes sarcastic......and most of all silent. They have not been antagonistic towards me......nor have they been publicly critical of my actions. True that I never confide in them most of my thoughts. Yet, they instinctively seem to understand the silence behind it. And have stood unflinching in their support. They know that when I drop them a mail, when I call them, it’s not just for the heck of it, or because I am bored......and the fact that they respect it makes me respect them all the more. And above all, there’s a sense of security in such relationships.....with no pointers to the past.
With every ‘learning’ experience, I have grown wise......but wary..... I have gained patience, but lost something infinitesimal yet elemental......
Until I can trust my instincts.....
oh gosh!.. I just triggered out something and you post a huge post on that!..hmm..yup instinct play a role!.. either at the first shot or later on!..
wow.. you write things on the dot!!..
Ha ha...yup! Am very instinctive you know... :)!
thats a part of growing up yar
sense plus plus
innocence minus minus
Hyuck hyuck...sooooper comment! I love it.. :)!
so you are instinctive.. so your true yourself.. !!
somtime instincts say to put on some work and the results that you get sometimes amuzes..!!.. that you yourself can;t belive in for a surprize.
sounds like u r getting old.. :P...
Yup....older and richer in experience :)!
Somebody's getting very philosophical and contemplative!! :) Just a phase?? But it's good anyway.. lots of sense pouring out from the past few posts ;)
Hey...thanku thanku :)!
Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP
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