Friday, January 15, 2010

Dene waala jab bhi deta.....

...poora chappaD phaaD ke deta......or so goes the song! And that's exactly what I am singing these days.....happily so! I've got not one but two news (or is newses?) in tandem! However, blog pe sirf confirmed news. Please cheer your one and only (I hope) beloved blogger publishing two of her blog-entries :D ! (Drum-rolls and trumpets please... !)

TOI Bangalore Mirror published one of my blog entries 'Love and Marriage' in today's issue (15/01/2010). Do check it out on their e-paper here. For the blog version, you could simply scroll down or click here. Or if you love the crinkle of a freshly folded newspaper (with hot steaming tea), go and buy your own copy!

Aaaaah..... grrrrreeeat start to a New Year on Shankranthi festival! Looking forward to inching higher :-)!

HYN everybody!

Addendum: And here's the confirmed news: another blog-post published here but, alas, with the wrong blog address for credit. (No offense Shruthi :-)...)! I've mailed them to rectify the mistake. So dekhenge.......


Unknown said...

Hey... thats damn neat..

Chitra said...

Thanks Chaitra!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congrats!

Rk said...

You got published ! Congrats.

Now, the other piece of news, if that is what I think it is, mail me at least.

Amrita said...

Hey congratsssssssssss! and news is both singular and plural :P

And ahem should i be guessing news2? ;)

Jyoti Ajay said...


Tings said...

Hey that was a very good article.

Chitra said...

Thanku thanku :-)!

Thanks, and will mail soon after confirmation :-)!

-/Amu(may I?)
Thanks thanks! Feel free to guess.... on mail though :P!


Thanks :-)!

Khushi said...

Super kane.. congrats! :) and good luck for the other news :)

Amrita said...

Ashu too calls me Amu :) Of course u may... Any name friends call sticks theres no asking :)

Lazith Aziz said...


guru said...

Congrats !!Chitra

Chitra said...

Thanks kaNe :-)! Have sent you a mail regarding the other (unconfirmed) news.

Thanku thanku :-)!

Thanks :-).

Thanks Guru :-)!

Art said...

Congrats Kane..
Nice article... yenadu unconfirmed news??? (more curious abt it)

Chitra said...

Thanks! And post check maaDi for the now confirmed news :-)!

Chitra said...

Yes....if the perceived logic runs that way, I'd have each of my posts overflowing with warnings and danger signs!

REMEDY said...

what a nice blog...translate for me what is "Dene waalajab bhi deta"

feel free to visit my blog k. keep in touch