Once upon a time, I had mentioned writing a fundoo post about relationships. To those with whom I have already shared these views, I regret to say that it will be a repeat telecast :). For the rest, continue maaDi.....
There are three levels to any relationship:
Level 1: Illi jagaLakke aaspada bandaroo people do not bother expressing it because it's simply not worth that time and effort. Plus, it will be a minor matter...something akin to an irritation, that's all.
Level 2: Illi jagaLa aadre, the first thing which is usually done by either of the parties is talk it out..... Illu muchu-marege aaspada illa. Simply because the comfort level of the relationship is too good. And one knows that by bringing everything to the open, there's nothing to lose :)!
Level 3: Illi barodu talebisi!! Yaakendre, by expressing your anger, it would mean that you are affected by that person, that the other party has somehow managed to get underneath your skin. And this would amount to showing their vulnerable side :), which most people are not comfortable! A special mention has to be made of guys in this regard - they retreat into a shell until they come to some sort of logical conclusion /solution about this 'problem'. Can't blame them though......which is why 'emotional' is a term restricted to ladies!
Level 4: Pecheeda situation!! The basis of having good communication is trust- i.e. trust that one does not get "punished" or hurt for expressing one's honest thoughts and feelings. An abusive person can be defined as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your emotions. I wish I could state "Prevention is better than cure". However, it's not as simple as that. It's only with time the risks are unearthed....and by then, it may be a tad too late for any damage-control :)!
And then,there are some which simply have to be experienced...and not analysed.....
haaaaaa..... true-o-true-oo
Tee hee...:D !! Comment-o-commentu !!
heheh... nice quote about men getting into shell. Usually, in such situations, they dont have an option. Women, when they are emotional and angry, dont leave any choice for men, but to keep quiet. And women call it a shell.. remember one of ur previous posts talking about ur anger.. hehehe.. :)
Repeat telecast sariyAgi prasAra Agilla.
ADachaNegAgi KShamisi
ಅಡಚಣೆಗಾಗಿ ಕ್ಷಮಿಸಿ
Tee hee...but I have to admit that keeping quiet under such circumstances can sometimes aggravate some situations - experience speaketh here :)! I wish there was some formula for overcoming such situations. But then....not every situation demands a solution....
Hyuck hyuck....taavu modalane episode ge absent idri. Yen maaDodu..:)!
Nice post
but the post has some bits of some other language which i didnt understand :(
can we have english subtitles?
Er....try googling naa? Subtiltes will really get in the way of the flow :)!
speaking under such situations proves more fatal for men madammmm.... experience (both mine and others.. ;)..) speaketh. Now dont draw conclusions... ;).. kind of expecting the next questions now..
Ayyo...delicate vishaya maaraaya! To be handled with caru...in either situations!! :D
hmm true...
//And then,there are some which simply have to be experienced...and not analysed.....
also, is true... so keep waiting :D
Yuppu...I can hardly wait in this regard *wink-wink* !!
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