“Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !! It’s cold …. yuxtremely cold !”
I felt the drop in temperature as early as 4:30a.m. in the morning (do not ask me why unless you want to get bored off your pants :)). And I was supposed to leave my cozy bed, alive and kicking, so that I could leave for work at 7:00 a.m. When all I wanted to do was to snuggle back and zzzzzzzzzzzz ..no... make that ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!
I really cannot recall how I found myself at the bus-stop at around 6:50 a.m. – and I have to admit sleepwalking is something that I do not do often. I tried to focus my tired eyes on our bus which was lumbering up the road. Too bad that he decided to honk loudly and make my hair stand on its end (which is a feat in itself). Sadist...humph !!
Aha.... empty window seat.... meandered my way to it and plopped down on it only to jump upright with a audible yelp – that damned seat was damned cold !!
After sufficiently warming up the seat (now, do not even dare to ask me how), and listening to some good music, my mood (or rather the feel of intense cold) had mellowed enough to appreciate the bustle of life outside the window – the foggy view, tree-lined roads (yup…there are actually some trees left out in Bangalore), a newspaper boy cycling exuberantly in the chilly morning sun, a tea-vendor selling tea (I could feel the familiar tug). On the other hand, the passengers inside the bus, clad in sweaters, jackets, shawls etc, were fast asleep, snoring their heads off. Sheesh..... depressing and uninspiring view on a sleepy Thursday morning!
Finally, I woke up with a hot cup of tea (what would I do without my elixir of life :)..)
I abandoned my (dear-old, faithful) sweater as the day wore on since the weather acutally turned from sunny to downright hot ! Ohhhh....cool to warm to hot.... no other go but 'swalpa adjust maadkoLLi'. I began longingly thinking of a refreshing bonda (for a change) when a thought struck me -
Don't we all have people in our lives who are similar to the changing weather? And do we really have a choice with respect to adjustment?
haha! the morning bus!! what adventures are endured, early in the morning to catch that damned bus!
Howdu...me still sleepy zzzzzzzzz :) !!
//Don't we all have people in our lives who are similar to the changing weather?
er... are you talking about a person's moods or the person himself?
Ha ha people themselves...people change with time na?
Hey... thanks !!
ppl change with time, bt it's nt annual:(
Nice blog!
Hey Phoenix, nice to see you :).
And ya...they are not seasonal either :) :) !!
Thanks !!
When it comes to weather, we seem to adjust with some ease, but if people change, we always have a point of view.
And how do u find something interesting to blog every day:) and even the enthu/time:)
Hey you grasped what I was trying to convey!! GOOOOOOOOD !
First of all, thanks for the enthu part !
Hmmmmmm....for me blogging is a very good way of expressing myself. Sometimes, I myself am amazed at the way words just seem to flow and result in a post :) !!
Don't we all have people in our lives who are similar to the changing weather?
Yup..people do change...but I think change is necessary too..one cant be static all his life....isnt it??
Your post reminded me of those engg days of mine when I used to get up early and travel to ma coll to attend lectures on time :D
Yup.... I agree that change is necessary. It's the adjustment w.r.t the change that I am pondering about.
"Your post reminded me of those engg days of mine when I used to get up early and travel to ma coll to attend lectures on time :D" - you did, did you? :) :)
Aha.. you described early morning Bangalore so well - almost made me feel cold :))
I like the way your happiness jumps out from ur writing ;) If that makes any sense :O
Yup...that's my intent :) !! And thanks !!
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