Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hum kya se kya ho gaye

There are times when I feel that women have got the flip side of a deal gone wrong. Especially working women. Manage household, manage work – throw in a child/several children, nagging in-laws, an un-supporting husband and it’s a perfect setting for a panic attack! Oh yeah…. Everything can be juggled. BUT (there’s always a but), there’s always a price to pay, and sometimes, an exceedingly heavy one.

I was having lunch with one of my friends who has remained one of the most influential people in my life till date. I marvel at her ability to juggle her job, her household chores and a year-old kid. And of all, the ability to laugh – and to make others laugh. Circumstances have forced her to work, while she wants to spend her time with her kid. After all, who wants to miss the initial stages of their children’s childhood – their naughty pranks, their toothless endearing smiles, the first few fumbling steps, the first few halting words spoken? Yet, she has forgone most of these pleasures to satisfy her in-laws. As her helpless husband looks on……

What made her tick? It was almost as if she answered my unspoken question –

“X (her husband) has been wanting to buy a DVD writer for quite some time. Due to one demand or the other, he was not able to save the amount, necessary to buy one. With my savings this month, I wanted him to realize his wish.

So, I told him “Look, I do not know about you. But I want to have a DVD writer. However, I am not sure what to buy. Can I count on your help?”

He was too happy to oblige to my ‘wish’. And when we finally bought the writer, I felt it was worth just to capture the look on his face.”

I was momentarily dumbstruck on hearing this. I realized that instead of undying avowals of love, gestures like this – however small, communication like this – unspoken though, support when needed – even in silence, can go a long way in keeping the relationship alive.

Recovering quickly, I pasted a big smile on my face (I am becoming very adept in doing this) and replied, “That’s why I like you so much.”

The response would have made a hundred watt bulb glow :)!

While I sadly acknowledged how jaded I had become regarding men-women relationships.....haaye hum kya se kya ho gaye............


Anonymous said...

Need to comment. But time runs out. Later. Will you remind please ?

Anu said...


Chitra said...

'Kay :) !!

Tanks !!

Arrey Vick(s), that's not the point. I know that guy personally and he's really very sweet. It's just that sometimes your hands are so tied that you feel very helpless. I personally wish that this couple deserves a much better life. Samjhe ?

Chitra said...

He he he ... just felt that you judged that guy a bit too harshly :) !

Jay said...

Another lesson learnt??! ;-)

Chitra said...

Heeeyyy... welcome back :) !! Hmmmm...lesson....can say that :) !!

Khushi said...


Chitra said...

Hey...sakkath serious post!! ':)' yaake??

Virdi said...

I believe that is what is called love... :-)


Chitra said...

Haan.... :).

Anonymous said...

Mind taking up a tag ? Check my post

Chitra said...

Nahhiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn........... :).