Thursday, December 13, 2007

Temptation.....sigh !

Let me start off on a philosophical note.

We have to go through rough times to appreciate the good times.

This explanation would very well hold good for what I am feeling now - resisting the temptation to eat what I loooouuurrvve because it would prove slow the progress of healing!

Let me explain. ......

I have been diagnosed with bronchitis, albeit the allergic variety. What started as a routine matter of cold and cough progressed to uncontrollable fits of whooping cough. The intensity was such that I spent hours rubbing my sore sides :-|! To cut a long story short, a visit to the doctor and an hour's admonition by Amma (which included the likes of "Thank God it did not happen when you were away") I was coerced (blackmail is too strong a term!) into the worst. A diet! And what a diet ! No curds, no oily items and no fruits as well. Well..... as it it leaves any choice(s) for me ! Harrumph !!

A few 'tight' situations:

Aunt: Yenamma? It has been more than a month since you have come back. Come home this evening. I will make baaLekaayi baaji !
Me: What? Groaaaaaaaaaaaaaan !!

A friend of mine, having returned from a trip abroad, availed the (in)valuable services of (good ol') moi to help her decide her breakfast. One look at the menu and there was a great danger of me slipping on my drool! All that food.......nice oily crisp curling tasty golden brown dosas! Sighhhhhhhhhhh! And to see my friend devouring a special ghee plain dosa blissfully was like adding insult to injury! Bah!

Thoroughly disgusted with life (after all, I am being separated from what I love most in my life - food), I arrived home only to find Amma had made hot tasty gulab jamuns! Round, golden-brown, dripping with sugar syrup! Ohmigawd!

To top it off, a friend calls me to discuss the (ever) famous baaLekaayi dose recipe, something which requires oodles of oil! Aaaaaarrgggh....... the injustice of life!

And sites like this only make me go delirious with hunger... and now frustration!

When.......I pray, when will this agony end? Life can be soooooo unfair !


Anonymous said...

wish you a speedy recovery.

Chitra said...

Yep! Thanks !

Unknown said...

its because of the pollution - remember what i told you
go back onsite

Anonymous said...

Hello Chitra, how do u do. Have been following ur blog from quite sometime. Impressed by ur vocabs and ease at framing very many nice sentences. Thought of leaving comments before.. but had never done so. A bit taken back by ur current illness. Dun worry, take foods that go with bronchitis. BTW I'm a female working in AP. Keep ur enthusiasm kicking, as always. Good luck with everything.

Chitra said...

:D :D :D !! Aur koi suggestion hai kya iske siwaain :-) ?

Gosh! Thanks a lot for your wishes! But then, I think everything happens for a reason. So hoping to make the best out of this as well :-)!

Unknown said...

ooooh so that's what all that decision gibberish was all about.
atta girl is what i would say!
i have done it myself & have no regrets.

Chitra said...

:D :D ! Love you for this comment alone Amar :-)!

Unknown said...

What is that "baal..." thing?

Anyway, you are another example that I can use when I argue with my friends that eating curd is NOT essential for health.

Get well soon.


Chitra said...

Ha ha...BaaLekaayi dosa is a traditional Mangalorean cuisine made of plantain or baaLekaayi, as we call it in KannaDa. Let me see if I could put up a pic of it. As for curds, it could not be essential for health. But, according to me, no meal is complete without curd-rice :-)!

Unknown said...

Aaah. Like THAT?
BaaLehannu = banana.
Baalekaayi = banana leaf.

Nice nice.


Chitra said...

Sacrilage I say !! BaaLekaayi = raw banana = plantain :D! Not banana leaf !

Hari said...

Thought for food you mean, I'm sure.. :)

Chitra said...

Tee hee...anything borne of the play of words which effectively conveys the meaning ;-)!

Laks said...

well.. look at the bright side.. u cud loose a lotta weight (just that its a very difficult thing for me to do... n situations like this although difficult mite help me loose some weight!)

Chitra said...

Tee hee.... yup! That's definitely one bright point. But that's not enough :-( !