are the pictures indirect pointer to your loniness or an abyss?.. and to realize what you want is sucess.. but where does money come?.. may be waht you want to realize you need money for that??.. But I feel money should never be a part of everything.. its a part that comes out!.. isnlt so?
okey got the answer!.. but still money is something revolving..!! still think without that we cannot achive.. or it might in some indirect way.. still think is a part!
-/Sujit Hyuck hyuck...wait a thinks you have got it all wrong. Success money and realization are the three things which can change a person. So...I was wondering with regard to realization!!
oh.. a bit tube light!.. but on special cases sodium vapour lamp also :p... hehe
I feel it depends on waht you mean by sucess.. like for me.. success is all about fulfilling my dreams.. and in that process I did not change.. but I could find other change..!! like i finished phd.. it was dream and sucess but i did not change... I still call my freinds in bangalore.. not caring for dollars I spend on telephones!!..
you have realised that..right!.. well would you change when you are sucessfull..(by your definition)?.. and being sucessull will accompany by money obviously!.. alwa? eega enu helTira?
-/Sujit I would always love to change for the better. In most ways, success has changed me for the better. But there's more in life than just success, right? Not sure if those will really change me for the better....or for the worse...
yup, there are things other than sucess..... and its good that.. you have chnaged for the better!.. like the forest gump dialogue.. life is a box of choclates, you never know what you get!!..
I've realized that lonlier you feel, the world makes you feel....
its all in the mind dear :)
I've realized that lonlier you feel, the world makes you feel....
its all in the mind dear :)
PS: pssst, previous comment was mine
nice pictures! but they are all full of sorrow! put up some cheeeeerfullllll pics in your next blog :)
are the pictures indirect pointer to your loniness or an abyss?.. and to realize what you want is sucess.. but where does money come?.. may be waht you want to realize you need money for that??.. But I feel money should never be a part of everything.. its a part that comes out!.. isnlt so?
At last....finally... :)!
Tee hee....will do that, fikar not :)!
Ha ha...I really cannot answer that! But ya, if you had followed the link, you would have understood why those three are important!
okey got the answer!.. but still money is something revolving..!! still think without that we cannot achive.. or it might in some indirect way.. still think is a part!
Hyuck hyuck...wait a thinks you have got it all wrong. Success money and realization are the three things which can change a person. So...I was wondering with regard to realization!!
oh.. a bit tube light!.. but on special cases sodium vapour lamp also :p... hehe
I feel it depends on waht you mean by sucess.. like for me.. success is all about fulfilling my dreams.. and in that process I did not change.. but I could find other change..!! like i finished phd.. it was dream and sucess but i did not change... I still call my freinds in bangalore.. not caring for dollars I spend on telephones!!..
you have realised that..right!.. well would you change when you are sucessfull..(by your definition)?.. and being sucessull will accompany by money obviously!.. alwa? eega enu helTira?
I would always love to change for the better. In most ways, success has changed me for the better. But there's more in life than just success, right? Not sure if those will really change me for the better....or for the worse...
yup, there are things other than sucess..... and its good that.. you have chnaged for the better!.. like the forest gump dialogue.. life is a box of choclates, you never know what you get!!..
Ayyo...anything but chocolates :)!
Nice pics
From where these pics being downloaded ?
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